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A blaster is a type of firearm that inflicts both kinetic-weapon type damage from a molten metal bolt, and energy-weapon type damage from thermal heat. A blaster's projectiles are known as bolts, and travel at supersonic speeds.

Operation[edit | edit source]

Most blasters are fed with a blaster cell, an exchangeable container with ferrous metal bullets and a store of energy, though some are fed with continuous metal-delivery ducts and physical wiring. One or more rounds are extracted and secured in a heating chamber. The heater uses energy from the cell to heat the round past its melting point. The molten protobolt is then accelerated with high-power magnetic rails to its supersonic speed down the barrel, and it exits as the final blaster bolt. The bolt in flight is held together in a pointed cigar shape from the intrinsic magnetic force of the metal.

When a cell is depleted of both its metal round store and energy, it has to be removed and replaced to resume operation. Some models eject the cell automatically, but reloading is always manually. The barrel and rails also get extremely hot from continuous fire, and will also have to be exchanged regularly during a firefight.

Blaster bolts vary in colour, due to various additive substances that have either found their way into the metal slugs from manufacturing, or if deliberately added by the operator. Different substances produce different hues, such as strontium producing red bolts and copper chloride producing cyan bolts.'

Blaster Models[edit | edit source]

Dantacor Armoury[edit | edit source]

Kuroke Techsystems[edit | edit source]

  • KU A22, also known as the KR45

Sailzane Armoury[edit | edit source]

Triton[edit | edit source]

Other[edit | edit source]